A Publication of the Gear Foundation


1980 GEAR

HIGH GEAR journal is a publication of the Gay Educational and Awareness, Resources (GEAR) Foundation of Cleveland. Omo It is distributed free of charge in any establishment and with any organization that will permit die tribution We are a non-profit, federally tax-exempt publication

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vs. gays

By R. Woodward

Time Magazine has cut short its honeymoon with gays with the relationship barely consummated

Time's April 23, 1979 issue contained a cover story entitled, "How Gay is Gay?" The subheading on page 72 read. "Homosexual men and women are making progress toward equality"

Like most Time Magazine articles, this one contained many generalizations and many color. ful details of doubtful pertinence But the overall effect of this arti cle was to suggest that the lives of gay men and women could not be summed up easily, that idle superstitions and a few glib comments would not suffice.


Pet faggots?

George Crile III, throughout CBS's "Gay Power, Gay Politics." a television program he produced and appeared in, kept trying to shove down the viewer's throat the half-truth that gay men and wonen are unwilling to accept

What Cril revealed by doing so was not the minds of gays but his own ignorance of minority psychology.

It never seems to have Occurred tohim to ask himself if it were criticism in general or criticism of a certain kind that gays were not willing to accept.

In order to survive, many gays, like many members of other minority groups; have been obliged to become careful observers of what other people's attitudes are towards them. Protecting themselves has always meant paying close attention, not only to the literal meanings of words that people use in addressing them, but also to the undertones, innuendos and implications that might go with these words

Crile, like all too many people who try to speak to minority groups, does not bother to make a distinction between being critical and being patronizing.

It has not occurred to him that there is a difference between saying to members of a minority group. "I disagree with your strategies," and saying to them, "Now now, behave yourselves."

It does not occur to him that the widely quoted statement he keeps making, "If gays want power, they'll have to clean up

their act." sounds from him like someone saying, "I am Daddy,' and if you don't do what Daddy wants, he'll fake away your candy."

What Crile's television program was really about was summed up succinctly by Andrew Kopkind in a story in the May 12 issue of The Village Voice. Said Kopkind. "Crile's film is essentially about his own fear fantasies, a document of the criIsis in male heterosexual culture the contest to keep control of privilege, power, and self-. definition. rather than an account of gay life." What is really bothering Crile, who is a member of an establishment family and a George III, is that his generation of white heterosexual males is unable to have as large a share of what there is of power and influence as its fathers did.


Jealousy of fathers and jeal ousy of some opportunities that some gays may have are operating together behind the mask of disapproving of the so-called "decadence" of gay life styles.

"Decadence" as Crile uses the word is a synonym for anybody else having any freedom.

It has not occurred to George Crile III that men and women who are gay might have something better to do with their lives than serve as somebody's pet faggots.

What gay men and women have not accepted from him in the way of criticism is his' suggesting that they roll over and play dead. .R. Woodward

On page 73 were photographs Some comments on CBS's "Gay Power, Gay Politics" and its producer George Crile !!!

of two same-sex couples, one male and one female The color

photography made both couples

look attractive

Those higher up at Time had not decreed that the photographers make the subjects look as ugly as possible.

(For an example of Time's well known make-them look-ugly approach so how Ronald Reagan looks on the cover of the

Andrew Kopkind in the May 11 Issue of the Village Voice:

"The real treachery is not a consequence of the cheap shots and loaded questions. but of the show's ideological approach There are clear and present contradictions in homosexual society; anonymous sex, pornography, drag, child love, sadomasochism. But gay liberation is a process which must resolve these issues, they are not subject to moral redefinition by those who do not participate in the battles." TV reviewer Terrence O'Flaherty in the April 26 Issue of the San Francisco Chronicle:

"Crile has no apparent sense of humor but plenty of apparent arroMarch 10. 1980 jssue Evidently gance He undertook his project with the mirthless evangelism reminnot satisfied that any photograph iscent of the Rev. Thompson in "Rain," returning again and again to the would make him look ugly clandestine aspects of the city's gay life that have little to do with the enough, the editors commissi subject of gay political power.. oned a painting. The cover story is entitled "Ronny's Romp ")

This dreadful little program is deadly for anyone it touches...For the credibility bf CBS News now and in the future it is disastrous.

The impetus for the "How Gay It is worth studying by scholars of the medium only as an example of is Gay?" article came from a the power of a national network news department to pass off the report given to the editors by assumptions of a half-baked TV newsman without adequate research senior correspondent Ruth Galand to rearrange the actual sequence of events to substantiate his vin on Masters and Johnson's Columnist Herb Caen in the April 24 Issue of the San Francisco Chroni suppositions." book Homosexuality In Per cle,'getting Crile's name wrong: spective.

Galvin was impressed by the book's conclusion that many gays function better sexually than many straights. The book utter BORE with his repetitive questions about whether S.F. Is "a gay taught her that gays have more in Herb Caen in the May 8 Issue of the San Francisco Chronicle:

"This Saturday's nationally televised "CBS Report"...will include a office Crile, here from NY to cover this burning subject, became an ravishing shot of Mayor Feinstein kicking Reporter Bill Criel out of her

common with straights than

Sodom and Gomorrah,"

most people believe and that "It was Mrs Campbell, the noted English actress an inamórate of there is much that "heterosexuGeorge Bernard Shaw, who said at the height of the Oscar Wilde als could learn from homosexuhomosexual scandal that she didn't care what people did "as long as als about closeness, warmth, and they didn't scare the horses" Perhaps even more memorable was the statement of Officer Robert Battaglia last wk. after the CBS documencommunication." Time seems to have miscalcu tary that depicted Buena Vista Park as a place where gays do their thing fated as to how many of its read: a bit too publicly. "We don't harass them declared Battaglia, "as long (Collinued on page 7) as they do it within the privacy of their own bush and10105 95 9140 J.CAN HEAR the Anita Bryants now blondie Bubna Vista Parkia 21 100% so ghuidh bitut vnem
